Illustrating Mexico one page at a time-Print Art of José Guadalupe Posada

The exhibition layout-Panel 1.

This is the panel 1 of 3 that was created for this exhibition. In the pantheon of the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century artists who represent Mexico and Mexican art, the artwork of José Guadalupe Posada stands out as a bright constellation that continues to shine the light on important stories through woodcuts, imprints, and engravings. He was born on February 2, 1852, in Aguascalientes. Posada joined the publishing house of Antonio Vanegas Arroyo in 1888 as an illustrator and engraver. There he met Manuel Alfonso Manilla (1830-95), and, until 1899, the two men shared engraving duties. They worked so closely together that some works are hard to attribute definitively to one artist or the other. Posada worked on images that appeared in newspapers and continued to create woodcut images, with subjects ranging from news to religion. Posada also used the imagery of skulls. The skull, or la Calavera, was adopted by the artist to illustrate the hybridity of Mexican culture. It is thought that Posada was responsible for images published in over fifty Mexico City-based periodicals, some of which are held by The Bancroft Library.
Curator: Liladhar P. Artist: Aisha Hamilton.
Exhibit Tags:
José Guadalupe Posada