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Science Gets Graphic! Cartoons, Comics and Graphic Novels in the Sciences

Radioactive : Marie & Pierre Curie, a Tale of Love and Fallout

Lauren Redniss
Lauren Redniss
Through words and her own gorgeously crafted illustrations, artist and journalist Lauren Redniss tells the story of Marie Curie, née Marya Sklodowska, and her working and romantic relationship with Pierre Curie. The narrative follows their discovery of two new scientific elements with startling properties, as well as the tragic car accident that killed Pierre, Marie’s two Nobel Prizes, and her scandalous affair with a married scientist. And Radioactive looks beyond the contours of Marie’s life, surveying the changes wrought by the Curies’ discoveries -- nuclear weapons, radiation in medical treatment, and nuclear energy as a possible energy source -- to create an eerie, wondrous, and moving evocation of one of history's most intriguing figures.