In 2004 San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced that the the City of San Francisco would grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The first same-sex wedding to take place at City Hall was between Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon. The couple, who had lived together more than 50 years, were longtime activists in the San Francisco lesbian and gay community having formed the Daughters of Bilitis, one of the first national lesbian organizations in the US in 1955.
BROTHERS poster with the caption, "Concerned about HIV and AIDS? BROTHERS offers services for African-American gay/bisexual men and transgenders. For more information, please call: (415) 749-6714". The phone number is scratched out in blue ink and written below "356-8140" and the sub-caption reads, "The BROTHERS NETWORK, 625 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, CA 94109"
Photographed by Lincoln Cushing for the GLBT Historical Society
Handwritten letter on lined yellow paper, stapled: "My name is Jesus Reyes and I've just been arrested by the INS. Now they want to deport me because I have AIDS. I came to this rally today because as a gay man and as a person with AIDS I wanted to support this struggle against death, this struggle for life. I didn't expect to find the immigration police here, but here they were. Now they're certain to send me back to Mexico where all that waits for me is an early death. Since I've come to this country in 1981 I worked very hard. For the first couple of years I worked two jobs where I still live, in the Mission. I've always tryed to send back as much money as I could to my family in Mexico, things are so bad there they're almost [...]"
Courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society Jorge Cortiñas Papers
Black and white photo by Cathy Cade of marchers in San Francisco carrying banner "Asian/Pacific Lesbians, for the love of women/bagi cinta pada wanita/sa pag-mahal ng babae/tình yêu của phụ nữ/kealoha o wahine/女への愛のために/[chinese characters]/for the love of ♀".
Black and white photograph by Cathy Cade of marchers in San Francisco carrying banner "Down with Apartheid: U.S. Out of Southern Africa, Victory to UNC and SWAPO, Southern Africa Freedoom Committee, All-Peoples Congress" "Fight Lesbian and Gay Oppression, All-Peoples Congress".
Black and white photograph by Cathy Cade of marchers in the street carrying banners "Mujeres en Lucha, Lesbianas Latinas" "Gay Latinos for the Nicaraguan Revolution."
Janetta Johnson, Executive Director of the TGI Justice Project, a group of transgender, gender variant and intersex people—inside and outside of prisons, jails and detention centers—creating a united family in the struggle for survival and freedom with members of El/La Para TransLatinas. San Francisco Trans March in 2016.
Proclamation 7203 by President Bill Clinton - Gay and Lesbian Pride Month (1999)
"Thirty years ago this month, at the Stonewall Inn in New York City, a courageous group of citizens resisted harassment and mistreatment, setting in motion a chain of events that would be known as the Stonewall Uprising ... Gays and lesbians, their families and friends, celebrate the anniversary of Stonewall every June in America as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month."
Color photograph of marchers in the Resistance contingent of the San Francisco Pride Parade carrying signs and wearing t-shirts reading "2nd Generation Immigrant! 1st Generation Proud Queer Activist! Resist" "Love Trumps Hate" "Protest Trans Lives" " Proud and cannot be intimidated" "No mad kings in America" "We the People RESIST".
Courtesy of Pax Ahimsa Gethen, Wikimedia Commons [CC BY-SA 4.0]
Black and white flyer with photo of winning attorney Mary C. Dunlap and triumphant visitor from England Carl Basil Angelo Hill. Photo by Rink. City Hall Rotunda, 6:30-8:30pm, Tuesday, July 27. To celebrate the permanent, national injunction against the U.S. ban on Lesbian and Gay male foreign visitors. Performers and speakers to include: The Gay Freedom Day Marching Band, Batu-Gala, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Gay Fillipino immigrant Stanley Rebultan, Winning attorney Mary C. Dunlap, Supervisor Harry Britt, Craig Seybold - Mark Tours, Robin Tyler, M.C., and many, many more guests, acts and surprises. The event will be signed for the hearing impaired. The rotunda is wheelchair accessible from the Grove Street entrance of City Hall. Please use the phone at that entrance if the guard is not standing by.
San Francisco LGBT General Subjects Ephemera Collection, courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society
Black and white flyer to protest the 1994 California Proposition 187. "A resistir la 187 protestemos en el día internacional de los derechos humanos / Resist 187 demonstrate on International Human Rights Day. Sábado 10 de diciembre / Saturday December 10. 11 am Asemblea 24 y Mission (SF) / Rally 24th & Mission. 12:00 mediodía marcha al City Hall / march to City Hall"
San Francisco LGBT General Subjects Ephemera Collection, courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society
Yellow pamphlet care of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, "Immigration Equality San Francisco: Take a Stand for Immigration Equality for All Couples. Right now today there is no way that a U.S. citizen can sponsor a same-sex partner for immigration on the basis of that relationship. Join us in the fight for EQUALITY."
San Francisco LGBT Groups Ephemera Collection, courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society
Two dads with three kids holding hands marching in the San Francisco Pride Parade. One father wearing a "Gay Fathers" t-shirt carries a sign in the shape of a heart reading, "Born July 24, 1949? Then you and I are astrol. perfectly matched lovers come on over & say 'Hi'". The other father carries another heart sign that says, "Our family's 6th gay freedom day parade: Strengthening our ties - Breaking Society's [image of chains]."
Graphic poster with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple stripes across five individual faces cupped in two large hands. Below the image reads, "All Individuals Deserve Support, AIDS." Subtext at the top of the poster reads, "April 7-11 1986, AIDS Awareness Week, San Francisco Community College District, co-sponsored by the S.F. AIDS Foundation. Signed 'TP Ranger 86'".
GLBT Historical Society Poster Collection, photograph courtesy of Lincoln Cushing
Black and white poster of five Asian men with caption reading, "It's natural." "Su sõng däy dú và có y ngïa hòn khi chúng ta khoé manh." Subscript reads, "Muón thém chi tiét xin lién lac Asian AIDS Project dięn thoai sõ (415) 227-0946"
GLBT Historical Society Poster Collection, photograph courtesy of Lincoln Cushing
Election flyer for Tom Ammiano for School Board: "Teacher, program administrator, learning disabilities specialist, community youth worker, college lecturer, Tom Ammiano knows the San Francisco schools from the inside... Tom Ammiano: Respected for his experience and hard work for schools."
Tom Ammiano Papers, courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society
Color photograph poster with headline, "Asian Pacific Islander Transgender/Transsexual, Love Yourself, Use A Condom." Subtext reads, "Asian AIDS Project, Chameleon Program, 785 Market St., Suite 420, San Francisco, CA 94103, 415/227-1587."
GLBT Historical Society Poster Collection, photograph courtesy of Lincoln Cushing
Pink flyer reads, "Mujer Latina, Quieres aprender a mejorar tu auto-estima? Proyecto AMIGOS te invita al Circulo de Amistad. Ciclo: Auto-Estima, comienza el miercoles, 23 de marzo, de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m., en la oficina de Mujeres Unidas y Activas, 3543 18th Street, segundo piso (entre Valencia y Guerrero)." The subtext reads, "Ven a aprender sobre este importante tema y hacer amistad con otras mujeres latinas. Te esperamos! Habra Cuidado de Ninos y Antojitos. Para mas informacion llama a Angela o Raul al (415) 243-8908. Proyecto Amigos: Immigrantes luchando contra el SIDA. 995 Market Street, Piso 11, San Francisco, CA 94103, (415) 243-8908. Proyecto AMIGOS es patrocinando por la Coalicion para los Derechos y Servicios de los Immigrantes y Refugiados, Gente Latina de Ambiente y Mujeres Unidas y Activas."