Black and white flyer for Josie's Cabaret and Juice Joint and A Different Light Bookstore present Proposition/Opposition. California's Prop 187, the "Save Our State" initiative, would require state-funded schools and health-service providers to check the immigration status of students/parents/patients, refusing service to "undocumented" persons as well as reporting them to the authorities. Proposition/Opposition is our response as queer writers/performers: Joan Jett Blakk, Justin Chin, Jewelle Gomez (Nov. 2 only), Ruven Hannah, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, Charlene Tapia, Chea Villanueva. Nov. 2 & 3, Josie's Cabaret. 3586 16th St./Market, 8pm. (415) 861-7933 for reservations. Tickets $8. On sale at A DIFFERENT Light, 489 Castro St. Oct 8
San Francisco LGBT General Subjects Ephemera Collection, courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society
Black and white flyer to protest the 1994 California Proposition 187. "A resistir la 187 protestemos en el día internacional de los derechos humanos / Resist 187 demonstrate on International Human Rights Day. Sábado 10 de diciembre / Saturday December 10. 11 am Asemblea 24 y Mission (SF) / Rally 24th & Mission. 12:00 mediodía marcha al City Hall / march to City Hall"
San Francisco LGBT General Subjects Ephemera Collection, courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society