El martes 22 de marzo de 2016, la comunidad Mapuche Mallekoche nuevamente ingresó al fundo El Fiscal, esta vez para instalar un chemamull en donde se encuentra un Eltuwe (cementerio) Mapuche. Alegan que este territorio fue usurpado por Nelson Herdenes y que la empresa Serviterra, encargada de la extraccion de aridos, ha destruido casi totalmente dicho Eltuwe.
On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, the Mapuche Mallekoche community once again entered the El Fiscal estate, this time to install a chemamull over a Eltuwe (Mapuche cemetery). Allegedly this territory was usurped by Nelson Herdenes, and the company Serviterra, in charge of extracting earth for cement, has destroyed said Eltuwe almost completely.
For the Mapuche, the forces of good or Ngnech, meaning life and construction, oppose the forces of evil or Weküfe, that represent destruction and death. This is why, through their ritual ceremonies, they seek to balance these two dissimilar energies.
In Mapuche language, Nguillatún means rogativa, or a ceremonious request to the divine. It is done with intervals of one, two, three, or four years, in a sacred place specially arranged for this purpose. This ritual is done for several reasons: rain, fertility, good harvests, avoid diseases, or abundance of food.
The Choique Purrún or Ostrich Dance, is part of the Nguillatún, where dancers run and move their poncho imitating the wings of a ostrich.
Eluwun(Funeral) de Victor Mendoza Collio en la comunidad Mapuche reken pillan de Ercilla 2014.=Eluwun (Funeral) by Victor Mendoza Collio in the Mapuche community reken pillan de Ercilla 2014.
For additonal information see: http://meli.mapuches.org/spip.php?article1547
Niños Mapuche sentados en los escombros de lo que era su casa destruida minutos antes por carabineros. = Mapuche children sitting in the rubble of what was their house destroyed minutes before by carabineros.
A raíz de la muerte del empresario Werner Luchsinger y su esposa Vivianne Mackay en un incendio provocado por terceros en enero del 2013, en marzo del 2016 se acusa a 11 Mapuches de delito de incendio con resultado de muerte de carácter terrorista. A lo largo de la investigación y el juicio la Machi Francisca Linconao estuvo varios meses en prisión preventiva, y solo se le permitió reemplazar dicha medida cautelar por prisión domiciliaria después de que realizó una huelga de hambre en que llegó a pesar menos de 40 kilos. Al no encontrarse pruebas en su contra, el 25 de octubre pasado fue finalmente absuelta junto a los otros 10 acusados.
La machi Francisca Linconao ya había sido acusada de porte ilegal de arma de fuego y municiones poco después de la muerte de la pareja de empresarios, y en aquella ocasión tras ser absuelta por falta de pruebas, entabló una demanda civil al Estado por los daños sufridos, demanda que ganó y por la cual el Estado la indemnizó.
Cercanos alegan que el montaje en contra de la Machi Linconao se remite al juicio que ganó en 2009 amparándose en el recién firmado convenio 169 de la OIT, en contra de la Forestal Palermo Ltda por tala ilegal de bosque, tala que tenía el agravante de realizarse en territorio sagrado Mapuche. Esto la habría convertido en una amenaza para los intereses del capital privado en la región.
Following the death of businessman Werner Luchsinger and his wife Vivianne Mackay in a fire caused by third parties in January 2013, in March 2016, 11 Mapuches were charged with the crime of arson resulting in death of a terrorist nature. During the investigation and the trial, Machi Francisca Linconao was in preventive detention for several months, and was only allowed to replace said precautionary measure with house arrest after she went on a hunger strike in which she weighed less than 40 kilos. When no evidence was found against her, on October 25 she was finally acquitted with the other 10 defendants.
The machi Francisca Linconao had already been accused of illegally carrying firearms and ammunition shortly after the death of the couple of businessmen, and on that occasion after being acquitted for lack of evidence, she filed a civil suit with the State for the damages suffered. , demand that won and for which the State compensated.
Nearby argue that the assembly against the Machi Linconao refers to the trial that won in 2009 under the just signed agreement 169 of the ILO, against the Forestal Palermo Ltda for illegal logging of forest, felling that had the aggravating effect of in Mapuche sacred territory. This would have made her a threat to the interests of private capital in the region.
Mujer mapuche es detenida luego de participar en la paralización de empresa que extrae áridos desde un antiguo cementerio Mapuche. El 25 de agosto de 2014, la comunidad Mapuche Mallekoche del Bajo Malleco en Collipulli hizo ingreso al fundo El Fiscal, propiedad de Nelson Herdenes. Su objetivo es paralizar definitivamente las obras realizadas por la empresa extractora de áridos Serviterra, la cual ha provocado daños gravísimos a sus espacios sagrados, medicinales y culturales, así como al bosque nativo.
Mapuche woman is detained after participating in blocking a company from extracting earth from an ancient Mapuche cemetery. On August 25, 2014, the Mapuche Mallekoche del Bajo Malleco community in Collipulli made entry to the El Fiscal estate, property of Nelson Herdenes. Their objective was to permanently end extraction started by the cement company Serviterra, which has caused seriously grave damage to Mapuche sacred lands, medicinal plants, and culture, and overall the indigenous ecology.
The Mapuche people of southern Chile has a long history dating back as an archaeological culture to 600–500 BC. The Mapuche society had great transformations after Spanish contact in the mid–16th century. These changes included the adoption of Old World crops and animals and the onset of a rich Spanish–Mapuche trade in La Frontera and Valdivia. Despite these contacts Mapuche were never completely subjugated by the Spanish Empire. Between the 18th and 19th century Mapuche culture and people spread eastwards into the Pampas and the Patagonian plains. This vast new territory allowed Mapuche groups to control a substantial part of the salt and cattle trade in the Southern Cone.
Between 1861 and 1883 the Republic of Chile conducted a series of campaigns that ended Mapuche independence causing the death of thousands of Mapuche through combat, pillaging, starvation and smallpox epidemics. Argentina conducted similar campaigns on the eastern side of the Andes in the 1870s. In large parts of the Mapuche lands the traditional economy collapsed forcing thousands to seek themselves to the large cities and live in impoverished conditions as housemaids, hawkers or labourers.
From the late 20th century onwards Mapuche people have been increasingly active in conflicts over land rights and indigenous rights.
Temucuicui (del mapudungun Temu kuykuy, "puente del temu") es una comunidad mapuche de 120 familias en la comuna de Ercilla, Provincia de Malleco, región de La Araucanía, en Chile.
En los últimos años han mantenido un conflicto de tierras con la Forestal Mininco en el que han ocurrido hechos de violencia, que han tenido como consecuencia la prisión para algunos integrantes de la comunidad en las cárceles de Angol y Cañete.
Durante el transcurso del Censo chileno de 2017, las autoridades decidieron no censar la comunidad debido a que se habían producido incidentes desde el día anterior al censo.
Temucuicui (from Mapudungun Temu Kuykuy, "Puente del Temu") is a Mapuche community of 120 families in the commune of Ercilla, Province of Malleco, La Araucanía region, in Chile.
In recent years they have maintained a land conflict with Forestal Mininco in which acts of violence have occurred, which have resulted in prison for some members of the community in the prisons of Angol and Cañete.
During the course of the Chilean Census of 2017, the authorities decided not to register the community because there had been incidents since the day before the census.