Black and white flyer for Josie's Cabaret and Juice Joint and A Different Light Bookstore present Proposition/Opposition. California's Prop 187, the "Save Our State" initiative, would require state-funded schools and health-service providers to check the immigration status of students/parents/patients, refusing service to "undocumented" persons as well as reporting them to the authorities. Proposition/Opposition is our response as queer writers/performers: Joan Jett Blakk, Justin Chin, Jewelle Gomez (Nov. 2 only), Ruven Hannah, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, Charlene Tapia, Chea Villanueva. Nov. 2 & 3, Josie's Cabaret. 3586 16th St./Market, 8pm. (415) 861-7933 for reservations. Tickets $8. On sale at A DIFFERENT Light, 489 Castro St. Oct 8
San Francisco LGBT General Subjects Ephemera Collection, courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society