Capturing Struggle: Ukraine Through American and Ukrainian Lenses

Війна грибів / переказ Андрія Куркова ; рисунки Нікіти Кравцова.

Kurkov, Andreĭ. Viĭna hrybiv / perekaz Andrii︠a︡ Kurkova ; rysunky Nikity Kravt︠s︡ova. Kyïv: Rodovid, 2022. Print. The War of the Mushrooms is a fairy tale, inspired by prominent Ukrainian graphic designer Heorhii Narbut. Drawing inspiration from the eponymous folk tale, a popular classic in Slavic cultures and the subject of Narbut's 1909 publication, Kurkov & Kravtsov's contemporary interpretation reimagines the tale with paintings of scenes from Russia's current war on Ukraine. The first small edition of the book was published by RODOVID in French at the end of 2021.