Capturing Struggle: Ukraine Through American and Ukrainian Lenses

Without Electricity but not with Russia

The description on the image reads, "As a result of large-scale attacks in November 2022, almost all of Ukraine was plunged into blackout, devoid of electricity. A Ukrainian shares her experience during this time: "Since 16:30, I have been sitting without electricity. There's no water either. No internet, no communication. I catch snippets of Polish radio. They report the convening of the National Security Council due to a Russian missile striking Poland. In an attempt to cope with this unsettling news and manage our growing unease, my dad and I pour ourselves some homemade wine. We don't know how long this blackout will persist. The radio's battery has already died, so we rely on power packs to keep it running. We're being mindful of our resources, so we mostly tune in for news updates once every hour. The return of light remains uncertain, and the darkness weighs heavily, instilling a sense of gloomy anticipation. Let's retire to bed and wait to see what tomorrow brings. The worry arises from the uncertainty of receiving an air raid alert without the internet. It now relies on vehicles disseminating the information, but even then, it is not always possible to hear it while in a dream behind closed, soundproof vinyl windows. Opening them is not an option; it's November, and the cold permeates. I can only hope that I won't wake up to another explosion."
©Svidok-Professor Anastassia Fedyk (UC Berkeley)
Exhibit Tags:
svidok, blackout, Ukraine, and Fedyk