Capturing Struggle: Ukraine Through American and Ukrainian Lenses

Restoring a Life

The description on the image reads, "After the withdrawal of Russian troops, the Kyiv region started to regain its vitality. A witness shared their observations on the recovery of lrpin: "No wonder lrpin is a hero city. Against all odds, it continues to live. The local sports school was heavily damaged by the Russians back in the spring. One part of the building simply has no roof or windows. But children continue to train on the playgrounds and in the school gym. They laugh and talk as they leave the school. They continue to be children even when they see the destroyed walls every day. Some locals have already managed to put in new windows. But in some places you can still see the sharp clangs of broken windows. Horses are grazing across the destroyed bridge. lrpin is welcoming a beautiful fall. It inspires us to keep going." More information: After the withdrawal of Russian troops, the Kyiv region regained its vitality. The photo was taken in Irpin
©Svidok, Professor Anasstasia Fedyk (UC Berkeley)
Exhibit Tags:
Fedyk, Kyiv, and Irpin