The Fallen Weichafe State Violence and the Struggle for Indigenous Rights in Chile


The Mapuche people represent a single largest indigenous group in Chile. The original historical homeland of Mapuche people spans both Argentina and Chile’s southern (Wallmapu) and central areas. Since the early colonization and later on in the aftermath of Chile’s independence, the relationship between the Mapuche nation and Chilean State has been contradictory, nuanced, and violent. The ongoing conflict between the Mapuche and the State has become acute in the post 9/11 era. In 2001, then Chilean president Ricardo Lagos invoked anti-terrorism law against the Mapuches. Since then, the attacks against Mapuches have been legitimized in many instances.

The curators organized this exhibition around the photos of the funeral of Weichafe (the warrior) Mapuche activist Camilo Marcelo Catrillanca Marín in November 2018. The photos are by Luis Hidalgo. There are six modules in this virtual exhibition.

  1. About Weichafe

  2. The Funeral

  3. The photos of the physical exhibition

  4. The books on Mapuche

  5. Additional Resouces

  6. Acknowledgments

As you browse through this exhibition, we invite you to think about the following broader questions: Whose land? Whose laws? Whose violence is legitimate? Can Mapuches and Chilean State ever will come to reconcile their differences through the peaceful means? We request that you think more deeply about our nation's treatment of the indigenous First Nations throughout the history of the uniquely American experience of democratic nation-building.

--Liladhar P. Librarian for the Caribbean and Latin American Collections, and Peace and Justice in Wallmapu Working Group.


On display in the Doe Library, September 2, 2019 - January 31, 2020.