Two moms and son embrace on the steps of the Alameda County Courthouse on 1225 Fallon St, Oakland holding up their adoption paperwork. Black and white photograph signed by Cathy Cade.
Black and white photograph of two mothers with son leaving the Alameda County Courthouse stairs holding hands, carrying adoption paperwork and smiling.
"This made me cry. I am a lesbian and seeing how our love has always existed and how we have been ostracized by our government is impactful. Knowing that the government let (primarily) gay men and trans women die of AIDS hurts, knowing that people couldn't have legal access to partners dying of AIDS b/c gay marriage wasn't legal breaks my heart. Most of all, seeing how my community has stuck together and marched in the streets for our rights fills me with unmeasurable pride. We will never go away."
Bernice Layne Brown Gallery, Doe Memorial Library, UC Berkeley Exhibit "We're Here, We're Queer, and We're in the Public Record!"
Black and white flyer for Josie's Cabaret and Juice Joint and A Different Light Bookstore present Proposition/Opposition. California's Prop 187, the "Save Our State" initiative, would require state-funded schools and health-service providers to check the immigration status of students/parents/patients, refusing service to "undocumented" persons as well as reporting them to the authorities. Proposition/Opposition is our response as queer writers/performers: Joan Jett Blakk, Justin Chin, Jewelle Gomez (Nov. 2 only), Ruven Hannah, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, Charlene Tapia, Chea Villanueva. Nov. 2 & 3, Josie's Cabaret. 3586 16th St./Market, 8pm. (415) 861-7933 for reservations. Tickets $8. On sale at A DIFFERENT Light, 489 Castro St. Oct 8
San Francisco LGBT General Subjects Ephemera Collection, courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society
Black and white poster of five Asian men with caption reading, "It's natural." "Su sõng däy dú và có y ngïa hòn khi chúng ta khoé manh." Subscript reads, "Muón thém chi tiét xin lién lac Asian AIDS Project dięn thoai sõ (415) 227-0946"
GLBT Historical Society Poster Collection, photograph courtesy of Lincoln Cushing
Color photograph poster with headline, "Asian Pacific Islander Transgender/Transsexual, Love Yourself, Use A Condom." Subtext reads, "Asian AIDS Project, Chameleon Program, 785 Market St., Suite 420, San Francisco, CA 94103, 415/227-1587."
GLBT Historical Society Poster Collection, photograph courtesy of Lincoln Cushing