¡Viva la Revolución Mexicana: 1920-2020!

Cartucho : relatos de la lucha en el norte de México / Nellie Campobello ; prólogo y cronología de Jorge Aguilar Mora.

Author: Campobello, Nellie, 1900-1986. Published México, D.F. : Ediciones Era, 2000. Cartucho: Tales of the struggle in northern Mexico is one of the great texts of Mexican literature. As Jorge Aguilar Mora points out in the prologue, Cartucho is at all critical corners of our historical-literary discourse: it is perhaps the most extraordinary book, where autobiographical singularity, popular anonymity, historical relationship, literary transparency, family chronicle. (Source: https://www.edicionesera.com.mx/libro/cartucho_78459/) Nellie Campobello was born in Villa Ocampo, Durango, on November 7, 1900; she dies in Progreso de Obregón, Hidalgo, on July 9, 1986. Narrator and poet. Her literary works portray passages from the Mexican revolution.
Exhibit Tags:
books and Literature of Mexican Revolution