¡Viva la Revolución Mexicana: 1920-2020!

El Compadre Mendoza

Director: Juan Bustillo Oro and Fernando de Fuentes. Year: 1934 Country: Mexico. Actors: Carmen Guerrero and Antonio Fausto. Summary from IMDB: "During the Mexican Revolution, Rosalio Mendoza (Del Diestro) survives by making and winning favors from both factions, the governmental forces, and Zapata's Army. His hacienda welcomes everybody, and Mendoza is considered a good friend of his guests. Eventually, the situation becomes unsustainable and he has to take sides. Betrayal and deception overcome and Mendoza's dark side surfaces. by Maximiliano Maza <mmaza@campus.mty.itesm.mx>." Fair Academic Use Only. This image may be protected by the U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C).
Exhibit Tags:
Mexican Revolution films, Cinema, and Poster