¡Viva la Revolución Mexicana: 1920-2020!

A portrait of Plutarco Calles by Mariano Martínez.

Plutarco Elías Calles was a Mexican military general and politician. He was the powerful interior minister under President Álvaro Obregón, who chose Calles as his successor. The 1924 Calles presidential campaign was the first populist presidential campaign in Mexico's history, as he called for land redistribution and promised equal justice, more education, additional labor rights, and democratic governance (Source: Wikipedia). The illustration of Calles is from La dictadura, la revolución y sus hombres (bocetos) Puente, Ramón. Published: México D.F. [Imp. Manuel León Sánchez, s. c. l.] 1938. Illustrator: Mariano Martínez Fair Academic Use Only. This image may be protected by the U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C).
Exhibit Tags:
Plutarco Calles, Mexico -- History -- Revolution, Illustration, and Boceto