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The Daily Californian: The First 150 Years

News Beyond Campus

Suggested by the University Librarian

– "President Wheeler Issues Order That Students Wear Flu Masks”

“Harvey Akio Itano, who was revealed at the ceremonies as winner of the University medal for outstanding scholastic achievement, was—due to his nationality—unable to accept the honor in person. A straight-A student, Itano was active in campus activities, and his popularity was proved by the prolonged applause greeting the announcement.” Itano and his family had been sent, like thousands of other Japanese Americans, to an internment camp. Itano became a prominent biochemist known for his work on the molecular basis of sickle cell anemia; he retired as a professor of pathology at UC San Diego.

– "“Seniors Leave Campus in Mad Whirl as Sproul Warns of War-Time Tasks..."

The Daily Californian was not the only publication to erroneously state that hundreds died in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. A total of 57 people died, including 42 who died in the collapse of the upper level of the Cypress Street structure of the Nimitz Freeway.

– “7.0 Quake Crunches Bay