Visualizing Place Maps from The Bancroft Library

Sacramento: bird’s eye view

W.W. Elliott
Although not drawn to scale, bird’s-eye views provide the layout of a cityscape or landscape, showing the streets, buildings, and other major features of the land. This view of Sacramento is framed by vignettes of the Crocker Art Gallery and other public buildings; businesses, such as Weinsock & Lubin, the Western Hotel, Pioneer Milling, Booth & Co., Bassett & Minford, Alsip, Waterhouse & Lester, Whittier Fuller & Co., Huntington Hopkins & Co., Voorhies & Co., and McCreary & Co.; as well as the residences of the city’s prominent citizens.
Bib. Reference:
Sacramento: Sacramento Union
Bancroft call number:
BANC PIC 1993.026--FR
Digital image courtesy of:
The Bancroft Library