Visualizing Place Maps from The Bancroft Library

San Francisco and the Bay Area

Maps reveal different types of information. These maps of the San Francisco Bay Area are illustrative of the various approaches to seeing the geography of a place. They tell us about exploration; about important events, including cataclysmic ones; about the value of land as landscape and property, and its use, preservation, and exploitation; about the surveillance or monitoring of a population; and about the inhabitants, their demographics, their neighborhoods and how these change through time. Perhaps no place has more of those resonances than the Bay Area.

"Plano del puerto de Sn. Francisco"
José de Cañizares
"Plan of Yerba Buena"
Jean Jacques Vioget
"Plat of the northern part of the Rancho San Antonio finally confirmed to Vicente & Domingo Peralta"
Unknown artist
"Mapa del Valle de Sacramento"
John Bidwell

Official map of Chinatown in San Francisco
Willard B. Farwell

Official map of Chinatown in San Francisco

Produced for the Board of Supervisors by a specially appointed committee and used by the San Francisco Police Department, this “official map” of Chinatown marks the illegal gambling resorts, houses of Chinese and white prostitution, and opium dens. These features illustrate the close scrutiny and surveillance visited upon the Chinese community in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries.

Map of San Francisco showing burned district
Richard L. Humphrey
Map of part of San Francisco, California, April 18, 1908
Punnett Brothers

University of California, Berkeley
Sanborn Map Company